Display MDX Metadata on Your Next.js Page

export metadata from MDX files and display it on your page using only @next/mdx


Next.js supports mdx as you can see here.

This feature is so useful especially when you want to write a blog post or a documentation page. If you write such a page, you may want to add metadata to it, such as the title, the date, and an abstract.

In this article, I will show you how to export metadata from MDX files and display it on your page using only @next/mdx.

Rendering you first mdx page is very simple and you can do it reading the official documentation.


In the official documentation, you can see the section of frontmatter. Frontmatter is a YAML like key/value pairing as the following.

2title: Display MDX Metadata on Your Page
3date: 2024-04-26

If you want to use this feature with Next.js, you have to prepare other libraries such as gray-matter or remark-frontmatter. They says,

@next/mdx does not support frontmatter by default,

I prefer to use only @next/mdx because it is the official library.

@next/mdx doen't support frontmatter, but it supports the exporting JavaScript component. In you mdx file, you can export a JavaScript component like this.

1export const meta = {
2 title: "How to display metadata on your page",
5# Introduction
6Hello world.

How to display metadata on your page

I will use SSG for my website so I use generateStaticParams.

I prepared the following structure

  • blogs/[slug]/_posts/*.mdx
  • blogs/[slug]/page.tsx

In the page.tsx, write the following code.

1import fs from "node:fs";
2import path from "node:path";
3import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
5export async function generateStaticParams() {
6 const dir = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url));
7 const postsDir = path.join(dir, "_posts");
8 const filenames = fs.readdirSync(postsDir);
10 const mdxFiles = filenames.filter(
11 (filename) => path.extname(filename) === ".mdx",
12 );
14 return => {
15 return {
16 params: {
17 slug: filename.replace(/\.mdx$/, ""),
18 },
19 };
20 });

This function just generates path at build time. In the page component, you can get slug from the params.

1export default async function ({
2 params: { slug },
3}: { params: { slug: string } }) {
4 const { meta } = await import(`@/app/blogs/[slug]/_posts/${slug}.mdx`);
6 return (
7 <div>
8 {meta.title}
9 </div>
10 );

Using import(), you can get the metadata from the mdx file.

SSG with AppRouter

Static Export with AppRouter feature have already been supported!